Tuesday, April 16, 2013

You've got a friend in me

Sometimes after a hard day of constant arguing and fighting, it's nice to take a moment and remember that they love each other.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Crazy fun

 "This is my brother.  We love each other.  Ow!  Your fingers are digging into my shoulder!"

 "Stop!  Not like that!"

 "I look good.  Glamour good."

 "Fourscore and seven years ago...."

 "You're weird.  Disturbingly so."

 "Fire.  Hot!"

 "Who's on first? No, who's on second?  I don't know..."

 "Awww....we laugh.  It is funny."

 "Orange.  Blocks.  Right here in front of me."

 "We love orange!"

 "Wait a second...who's that??  We're being watched!"

 "Move over guys.  Time for some of this."

 "All me!  All alone!"

 "A Noah sandwich!"

"Tell it again, Sam!"