Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Camp cook

So in a week and a half, we're headed off into the woods for a weekend of camping. Anyone want to share a list of must-have camping equipment? Especially in the area of cooking utensils? How about a good camping breakfast or dinner recipe?


Lance said...

I guess I've always been the simple type - eating non-perishables that don't need refrigeration. But that can get old and kids don't always like it.

If you like chili you can make a bunch ahead of time and freeze it solid. So you'd need a cooler and a little gas stove, plus a pot to heat it up. As long as you bring a cooler you may as well throw in hot dogs, too.

If you have a frying pan you can cook a couple pancakes at a time - I don't have a recipe but any mix you just add water to will work fine - it always tastes better in the woods anyway.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things for breakfast are those little boxes of cereal that you buy in the multi-pack. We had those as kids, just throw some milk in your cooler. Its like being a kid again eating all those cereals you probably don't buy now. Also, sometimes we would make scrambled eggs over the fire and just add in any leftovers from last nights dinner. Steak and eggs anybody?

Do you know how to make pies over the fire? Those are good too.

Sarah said...

Thanks! Laura, I don't know how to do pies over the fire - sounds yummy! Lance, I'm all for simple, that's for sure! Good idea to freeze things like chili beforehand to lengthen cooling time.

Molly said...

We always made "Hobo Dinners" over the fire. Wrap ground beef, carrots, potato slices, onion, salt, pepper in tin foil and set them over the fire. If the fire is hot enough, it doesn't take too long, depending on how big you make the dinners. It's fun for each person to make his/her own and unwrap the goodies. And they're great with ketchup! You're way more brave than me. Enjoy.

Molly said...

Oh, and we always did "Jiffy Pop" over the fire, too. I don't think they're technically supposed to be done over an open flame, but we did it anyway!

Anonymous said...

For the pies there is a special bread holder, I don't know the right term for this, but you place two pieces of bread in it, it has long handles for roasting like when you roast marshmallows. First you fill the inside of the bread with your favorie pie filling, butter the outside of the bread, place the "pie" inside this pie holder, roast it over the fire and sprinkle powdered surger on over the top when finished.

Beckie said...

The pie things are called Tonka Toasters. We have a couple at the cabin if you'd like to borrow them.

Jennifer Poole said...

Anything you can mix with water is great.... heat up some water over your propane stove and you've got instant oatmeal, tea, coffee, pancakes, etc. With cold water you can have Tang, lemonade (mostly so it doesn't taste like you're drinking from a lake, which you kind of are!). Also, pack EVERYTHING that you value in PLASTIC BAGS!!! Rain happens. If you're going "up nort," make sure you spend plenty of time just sitting on the rocks by Lake Superior and eat smoked fish with cheese and fancy crackers. AND, if you're in Grand Marais, go to the "World's Best Donut" shop. They really do have the world's best donuts! oh. Brush your teeth really good before you go to bed. Bears love s'more breath. have fun.

Jennifer Mulvihill said...

I was just going to suggest the pies over the fire! Yum! You just need bread and pie filling. The boy will love them! That being said, they can be really messy. I'm not much of a camper, but find myself going on 1-2 trips per summer with the youth at church. As long as I have a comfortable place to sleep and a way to stay clean, I'm good. Have a great time!